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tv   ABC7 News  KOFY  December 18, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. good morning i'm eric thomas in for cheryl jennings. and i'm kristen sze breaking news from newtown connecticut. another school has been closed. classes are cancelled today after an unspecified threat. when parents arrive to drop off kids they phone the driveway blocked. no one was allowed on campus. -- police say it is precautionary and they anticipated threats. this comes as students head back class for the first time since the sandy hook tragedy. katie marzullo is live with new details. >> reporter: >> reporter: you could call adam lanza's murder of his mother overkill he shot her four tiles in the head she was fund in her pajamas in dead. adam was diagnosed with as
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spergers looking into -- asperger's looking into whether he was correctly diagnosed. as one funeral ended another began. families exchanged condolences as one left and the other arrived. 6-year-old james loved math and recess. james said he didn't want presents for christmas he just wanted money to buy his grandfather a new coffee mug. 6-year-old jessica horses and was anxiously awaiting her 10th birthday when her parents said she could have one. >> i can comprehend it. i was with migrant children this past weekend. my heart goes out. >> reporter: students charlotte and daniel and vicki g buried today. in the end 26 funerals from sandy hook. district officials reopened all schools except the elementary school. officials and volunteers are fixing a vacant campus in
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neighboring monroe to look like sandy hook for when the students go back. >> at the very least we want give the children an opportunity to see their new school and become as comfortable as they can in that new area. >> reporter: movers photographed sandy hook's classes to recreate them as best they can right down to the artwork. students will be reunited with bag packs and other personal items left in the chaos. sandy hook could be a crime scene for months where 20-year-old adam lanza went on a killing spree he killed his mother first the guns were hers. she took him to a shooting range at least once. >> it is an extremely poor decision on her part. you are talking about a sort of a psychological switch that i think go turned on for him with the access of the weapons and then the ready availability. >> reporter: two 6-year-old
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bys were -- boys were buried yesterday. the to is calling for a moment of silence and church bells to ring this friday the time of the shootings. gigantic retirement fun for california teachers distancing itself from unexpected financial connection to the connecticut tragedy. the nation's second largest pension fund has more than 750 million dollars invested with cerberus, an equity firm that controls bushmaster maker of the rifle used in the school shooting this is youtube video showing how the firearms operate. this morning cerberus announced it was dropping its investment. dick's sporting goods suspending sales of certain rifles in response to the tragedy. several california locations closest to the bay area in modesto, wal-mart has pulled a bushmaster rifle similar to the one used off its website.
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wal-mart is the nation's largest seller of guns and ammunition. hollywood is reacting to the shooting by cancelling the premieres -- premiers of several films. actor jimmy fox who stars in the movie says the -- jamie foxx who stars in the movie says the entertainment industry needs to bear some responsibility. the premier of top cruise's movie was also postponed because of the shooting. stay with abc7 news for continuing coverage of the connecticut school tragedy. laura anthony is in connecticut and report live later. temperatures on their way down later today officials are issuing advisory and warning. >> how cold is it going to get? this morning any indication it is going to be cold, frost and isolated areas more tomorrow.
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the cold air is coming in now, you can see scattered showers on live doppler, over the ocean water which is actually warmer than land now that's why we have the showers there. mainly going to stay over the ocean. for tonight, let's start in the north bay where the going season will end for a few plants temperatures drop to 25 to 30° for several hours thick frost north bay valleys and mountains from 3:00 to 8:00. frost possible in other areas east bay valleys, bay shoreline, south bay, monterey bay, carmel valley, hole hisster valley all could have patchy frost, watch out for frosty windshields and slippery sidewalks tomorrow morning. update on the big rain coming. for the second time in a month, sinkhole threatening a contra costa county road this time in clayton on marsh creek between deer valley and pine
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lane. crews on the scene now as is amy hollyfield. is the road shutdown? >> reporter: they've shutdown one lane. here's what the situation looks like, there's a hole on the shoulder of marsh creek road officials are worried it could spread to the road itself. a crew supervisor spotted it when he got out of his truck, he saw a cavity under the road. they decided to shutdown one lane. now they are working on a temporary solution involving metal plates so they can get it reopened. >> right now we have trench plates coming steel plates to place over the road, we are looking at 20 feet long so we can span the cavity. we are hopeful that would mitigate the immediate hazard until we have time to get a contractor also the weather is supposed to be raining through this week it would not be a good time to be excavating in
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the rain. >> reporter: here's a shot of those metal plates, they are hoping to have all lanes open by this evening's commute. officials say the back-up because of the shutdown lane hasn't been too bad of a delay for drivers. of course it is better to have both lanes up and running. they to have to deal with that pipe that failed under the road they think it was rust and old age even though they did inspect it in 2008 and it looked fine. it has failed, they have to deal with that. first they want get through the storms coming up. they are working on this temporary solution, for now. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. still ahead, brazen robbery in the east bay. thieves used a car to break into a video game store and what they got away with. is there a light at the end fiscal cliff tunnel? [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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colorado police releasing frightening details about apparent murder-suicide that claimed four lives north of denver. a woman call the sheriff's office to report a shooting and was shot and killed while she was on the phone. a man grabbed the phone and said he was going to kill himself then they heard a shot. officers found two men and two women he seesed in the home. they have a possible motive but not releasing it.
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-- concord police investigating a different kind of smash and grab robbery at a video game for thenkzfñ] -- the thieves drilled through windows at the gamestop store. this is new video of the car being pull out of the store. the driver stole several items, including used cell phones that investigators may be able to use to trace it. they think the car may be stolen. store employees have boarded up the store. >> new this morning in palo alto, portion of sand hill road near stanford university is closed after this mess was caused by a suspected drunk driver. the driver hit a hydrant sending water everywhere. police tweeted this picture. the driver is under arrest for dui. controversy over new sporting goods store set to open in los gatos. we are going to talk about freezing temperatures tonight
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and now the next system will warm us
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fallout from the connecticut tragedy is triggering new controversy over the opening this weekend of a sporting goods store some are upset about the guns the
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store would sell. terry mcsweeney is live in los gatos. the topic took over last night's town council meeting. >> reporter: it wasn't even on agenda during the public comment period that's all anybody was commenting on. the new sporting goods store at university avenue in los gatos still going to open as planned saturday. opponents can claim a partial victory. >> i can't sleep at night now because of what happened on the east coast. >> reporter: some residents in los gatos are imagining something like that happening in their community if the templar sporting goods store opens saturday, among its offerings, high end custom guns. >> i feel as though, we should have talked about this before this business permit was issued. we talk about everything else. it seems like this would have been a big moment in time that we could have discussed. >> reporter: the mayor -- [ inaudible ]
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the town manager says saturday's grand opening cannot be stopped by the city. >> section of the town code that regulates this area was last amended in 1987, it didn't give the town any restriction to review or even hold a public hearing on a retailer that want tossle firearms. >> reporter: half of those who spoke at last night's meeting want a ban on weapons sales support a change in law to provide more oversight of stores that do sell guns. the other half were divided between those supportive of the new store. >> the guys are outstanding citizens that have invested their whole life here and care about their community. >> reporter: and those support heive of the new store with conditions. >> that -- that would be my hope if they are into hunting and fishing, then let 'em sell hunting and fishing. nobody shooting deer with an
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ak-15. >> reporter: i e-mailed templar to get their comments on last night's meeting and i haven't heard back from them yet. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news >> there's optimism this morning that washington lawmakers and the white house are closing in on a deal to avoid going over the fiscal cliff and triggering tax hikes for nearly everyone come january. karen travers reports on the president's new compromise and the republicans' back-up plan. >> reporter: negotiations to avoid the fiscal cliff are heating up. both sides are starting to make concessions. this morning speaker boehner briefed republican lawmakers on where things stand. >> i continue to hope we can reach broad area agreement. >> reporter: yesterday boehner met with president obama for about 45 minutes. last night the white house presented him a new offer. the proposal includes 1.2 trillion in tax increases, down from the original offer
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1.6 trillion. extending the bush tax cuts for every american earning less than $400,000 a year instead of $250,000. >> his position is not based on the notion that these rate have to go up because that's good, it is based on the necessity of having enough revenue as part of this balanced package. >> reporter: the white house plan would limit cost of living increases for social security recipients and two year extension on debt ceiling. even as boehner continues to work on a deal with the president, he's keeping handy, a plan b. today he said that proposal would extent the bush tax cuts for everybody making less than one million dollars, but that's it. >> i believe it is important that we protect as many american taxpayers as we can. >> reporter: boehner said the tragedy in connecticut may have changed the dynamics of the negotiations. it is not the time to put
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americans through more stress. karen travers, abc news, washington. tonight your plants might be under stress from the cold. >> absolutely. also your pets, plants, probably not pipes. most of us are prepared definitely those two things to consider as we look at sunny conditions over the east bay hill and east bay valleys from vollmer peak back towards mount diablo, from emeryville towards san francisco, some of clouds over the ocean, where live doppler continues to pick up clouds and showers are becoming less intense and numerous looks like we will escape today the showers and be dry. if you are about to leave upper 40s to low 50s around here. mid 40s to near 50 around the monterey bay and inland.
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partly cloudy today, showers stay over the ocean. freezing cold everywhere tonight. stormy pattern starts thursday. cold front from yesterday moving to the south bringing rain to southern california. yet stream bringing in the coldest of the air mass more sun today, temperatures falling short of yesterday's highs. tomorrow into thursday, more thursday into friday this system will take time coming through means this will be quickly on its heels saturday and sunday, warmer conditions and more moisture each one is going to raise temperatures so the coldest conditions are now in the afternoon and tonight during the overnight hours. wednesday at 5:00, you can see a few sprinkles, light rain sonoma county coast. into the overnight hours, pretty much it. we wake up thursday morning, the north bay dealing with a little light rain the rest of us increasing clouds and temperatures won't be as frosty as tomorrow morning.
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through the day thursday increasing clouds, down to the south bay, most of the rain by noon still up in the north bay also yellows and oranges starting to show. moderate rain showing up there, that's where going to stay thursday afternoon. the steadier rain stars to work into the heart of the bay. the reason why it is going to take so long for the system to get to the south is the dry air why we are going to be so cold tonight also under this layer of moisture and keep from it reaching the ground. thursday night into friday, steadier rain moves into the south bay across all of the bay and stays from friday midnight through the morning commute then comes in waves friday, saturday, sunday. once it stars raining it could be a wash-out for the weekend. rainfall totals most impressive in the north bay, up to three to four inches friday morning the rest of us less than an inch. more rain friday afternoon, saturday and sunday.
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temperatures will jump into the mid and you haver 50s no concern with wintry weather -- here that will fall in the sierra, you might want to get there before thursday evening. friday to sunday one of those 8 to 9 hour trips trying to get up there monday over. next tuesday fairly sunny, mid 50s. we have something interesting. does color matter when you talk about toys? an easy bake victory. >> what happen after a determined little girl took on a giant toy company.
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coming up on katie actor hugh jackman. then at 4, long debate about safety of airport screening machines will be answered by science. then at 5, animals used to bring relief to families traumatize by -- traumatized
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by the sandy hook school shooting. big sister's mission to find her little brother the perfect gift is paying off. >> 13-year-old didn't have to go to the north pole she went to youtube to make an appeal for her 4-year-old brother gavin and the one thing he wants from santa this year. >> a more gender neutral color for that easy bake oven. hasbro was listening and will soon offer a new model, silver and black easy bake oven will be available in the fall of next year it will have wire rims and spinners. >> we have to check in with our friend ryan scott see if he would have minded a oven. >> he may have used his sisters. >> maybe. >> great shep. >> for all of us here at abc7 news thanks for joining us. who wants to be a millionaire is next. >> if you receive a smartphone remember you can be connected with abc7 news all the times through our apps, alarm clock
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app, and -- >> and our abc7 news app is available for all those devices as well as the ipad [ female announcer ] this is a spececial message from at&. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle.
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[ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪


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